Fire: Take 2

I've made fire before, it was for the freshman year modeling project. However, I took some pictures that I wanted to model and I figured it would be cool to see how the fire tool works in blender 2.8.
I was originally making it in eevee, but it looks much better in cycles, despite the fact that it takes longer to render and it lags a little. I used the node editor for the color of the flame and tweaked the settings in the physics tab with the domain and the smoke object till I got it right. My favorite part ended up being the coals, especially in the first cycles picture. I love the way it looks, you can see the coals glowing and the fire coating it. I think the most tedious part was figuring out how to control the size of the flame: it had to do with adjusting the smoke and reaction time, but I got it eventually.
