Trim Sheets and Modular Design

 For our latest project in my Lighting, Materials, and Rendering class. We created a scene using Modular Design. For our second iteration, we textured it using trim sheets, and for the third iteration, we transferred the scene into Unreal Engine. My scene is an alleyway in a city at nighttime. I personally like the first iteration the most, but I fully understand the merits of the other two iterations. It cuts down on render time exponentially, especially once the scene is transferred into Unreal. My bias may also be due to the fact that I am mostly unfamiliar with trim sheets and Unreal Engine as of right now.

Render of the Modular Kit in Maya

UV Shells of Modular Pieces

Trim Sheet

Texture Maps

Individual Shells vs. Trim Sheet
(First Iteration vs. Second)

Modular Kit in Unreal

The Scene in Unreal

All Three Iterations
