Adobe Character Animation

        Adobe Character Animation is a 2D animation program that lets you animate characters using your own facial movements. The application allows you to either create your own character in photoshop or illustrator, pick one of the pre-existing characters, or take a reference picture of yourself or something else and then use that. It is quite a utilitarian application, and has a lot of potential to help me out. I am still dubious about certain things, but I think I can figure out the kinks.

This is what the set up looks like: the main scene is in the middle and all of the controls are to the bottom right while the facial features recording software is at the top right. Right under the main scene is the recording window, which is fairly similar to that of Premiere Pro.

The video has been created using one of the pre-existing characters: a unicorn. Character Animator uses the audio and syncs it to the character, which is how the mouth movements are captured. One drawback of using a preset however, is that you don't seem to have complete control over everything like the feet.

This is the characterizer feature, which allows you to take a reference picture (this one is of myself) and use it to create a character. My character was created with a filter and the mouth movements were made possible by me making various sounds or movements and the app dissecting them to utilize for everything.

Essentially, I am very excited by the prospects of this app and look forward to trying an experimental animation of a character that I will create in this following week. While great for character animation, I have yet to see whether I can truly utilize it for the abstract nature of the emotion that I am trying to capture; while my videos will have characters, much of it will be focused on those characters in different settings and ambiguous topics such as chasms and balls of flame.

Work Log:
Monday 3/11: Worked on animation
Tuesday 3/12: Worked on animation
Wednesday 3/13: Worked on animation
Thursday 3/14: Worked on animation; had a realization that will most likely change the direction of my current project
Friday 3/15: Worked on animation
(Additional: Friday 3/15: Went to Monroe Art Night and worked on animation. I got used to the interesting smell after a while and it was an great experience.)
